What’s the difference between Mortgage Protection Insurance and Private Mortgage Insurance from the Banks?

Unlike Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI), which protects banks, MPI is a form of life insurance that protects homeowners and their families if a health issue arises and they become disabled or experience a long period of unemployment. In a worst-case scenario, this type of coverage can pay off the balance of the mortgage if the homeowner passes away.


  • It doesn’t end— however, the price is no longer level and renewable on an annual basis.
  • Additionally, you do have an option to convert (automatically transition) your term policy into a whole life or permanent policy (usually up until age 65 or 70 for most companies).

Most of our plans are a “simplified issue,” which means a medical exam is not needed. However, they do run a medical information bureau (MIB) inspection.


Schedule a meeting with one of our agents and we would be happy to do a complimentary policy review!


Schedule a meeting with one of our financial advisors and we’ll happily help guide you through these plans!


A broker has access to many companies and can make a recommendation based on your needs and budget, whereas a captive agent will only represent one company and its available products. i.e. Allstate, State Farm, and New York Life Insurance


You are offered the best prices when you’re at your youngest (when your risk of passing is the lowest). After all, today is the youngest you will ever be— take advantage of it!


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